Creatine is nitrogenous organic acid occurring naturally in all vertebrates. Creatine helps to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells. The body manufactures stores and uses creatine for pursuits which require bursts of energy - like running at a high speed. Creatine can be classified as a dietary health supplement, as one can consume, theoretically, enough creatine rich food - like red meat, to substitute supplementation. Bodybuilders, athletes and a vast majority of individuals following a fitness regime, resort to creatine supplements because it has proven to increase body mass and lean muscle formation, in a very short span of time.
Creatine initially was available only in the powdered monohydrate form. This made the selection of creatine easier. Over the years, with more research and product development, creatine has undergone a huge amount of product diversification. This implies that today creatine is available in various forms and various types. Users are necessarily concerned when choosing creatine. Users want a creatine form which provides maximum effect, with minimum side effects, in a cost effective manner. Also, the availability of the creatine form must be large. There are various forms of creatine available and manufacturers claim all sorts of positives for their products. These claims might not bear the truth all the time. It is thus important to research on creatine products before buying one.
Creatine Powder: The majority of users use the powder form. It is recommended that creatine should be taken with a non - acidic drink. This is because creatine converts to creatinine in an acidic environment. Grape juice is highly recommended as a drink to accompany creatine ingestion. It is also ok to mix creatine with other proteins. If the user mixes Creatine with the drink he or she shouldn't leave the drink standing for more than a few hours. creatine doesn't dissolve well, so if one doesn't want to loose any un-dissolved creatine at the bottom of his or her drinking cup, then it would be ideal to take a scoop of creatine and swallow it, and wash it with ones preferred drink. The disadvantage of taking powdered creatine is that a lot of it is wasted in the digestion process or simply left unabsorbed. This leads to indigestion and dehydration.
Creatine Pills: Pills are available in various denominations of weights. The advantages and disadvantages of pills are mostly similar to powdered creatine. Pills are easier to ingest since they don't have to be mixed anything.
Creatine Serum: Creatine can also be ingested in the liquid or serum form. There are numerous advantages in theory, to serum over powder. Creatine serum when gets ingested gets directly absorbed, which means less creatine serum produces same effects. However the major disadvantage of creatine serum is that Creatine is unstable in solution and when left over a few minutes, starts to break into creatinine a waste product.

Creatine Gum: Chewing gum with creatine is also available. The logic behind is that when the gum is chewed in the mouth, creatine released can be easily absorbed. Users are advised to follow dosage specifications and schedules. Taking more creatine usually results in a waste since excess creatine is excreted by the body through urine. Users are advised not to skip servings or attempt to make up for missed servings by taking more creatine in the next dose.

Creatine initially was available only in the powdered monohydrate form. This made the selection of creatine easier. Over the years, with more research and product development, creatine has undergone a huge amount of product diversification. This implies that today creatine is available in various forms and various types. Users are necessarily concerned when choosing creatine. Users want a creatine form which provides maximum effect, with minimum side effects, in a cost effective manner. Also, the availability of the creatine form must be large. There are various forms of creatine available and manufacturers claim all sorts of positives for their products. These claims might not bear the truth all the time. It is thus important to research on creatine products before buying one.
Creatine Powder: The majority of users use the powder form. It is recommended that creatine should be taken with a non - acidic drink. This is because creatine converts to creatinine in an acidic environment. Grape juice is highly recommended as a drink to accompany creatine ingestion. It is also ok to mix creatine with other proteins. If the user mixes Creatine with the drink he or she shouldn't leave the drink standing for more than a few hours. creatine doesn't dissolve well, so if one doesn't want to loose any un-dissolved creatine at the bottom of his or her drinking cup, then it would be ideal to take a scoop of creatine and swallow it, and wash it with ones preferred drink. The disadvantage of taking powdered creatine is that a lot of it is wasted in the digestion process or simply left unabsorbed. This leads to indigestion and dehydration.
Creatine Pills: Pills are available in various denominations of weights. The advantages and disadvantages of pills are mostly similar to powdered creatine. Pills are easier to ingest since they don't have to be mixed anything.
Creatine Serum: Creatine can also be ingested in the liquid or serum form. There are numerous advantages in theory, to serum over powder. Creatine serum when gets ingested gets directly absorbed, which means less creatine serum produces same effects. However the major disadvantage of creatine serum is that Creatine is unstable in solution and when left over a few minutes, starts to break into creatinine a waste product.
Creatine Gum: Chewing gum with creatine is also available. The logic behind is that when the gum is chewed in the mouth, creatine released can be easily absorbed. Users are advised to follow dosage specifications and schedules. Taking more creatine usually results in a waste since excess creatine is excreted by the body through urine. Users are advised not to skip servings or attempt to make up for missed servings by taking more creatine in the next dose.