Monday, 14 March 2011

History : Men and women both have 12 pairs of ribs

Gender differences

A prepared human skeleton, as used in biology education


A prepared human skeleton, as used in biology education

There are many differences between the male and female human skeletons. Men tend to have slightly thicker and longer limbs and digit bones, while women tend to have narrower rib cages, smaller teeth, less angular mandibles, and less pronounced cranial features such as the brow ridges and occipital protuberance (the small bump at the back of the skull). Most striking is the difference in hip bones, owing to differences related to the process of reproduction, and very likely also to the biological process of sexual selection. There are a number of smaller differences between human male and female skeletons as well.

The book Genesis of the Bible tells that Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs. This has led some people to assume that men have one fewer rib than women, but upon inspection this is false: men and women both have 12 pairs of ribs. In addition, removed ribs usually regenerate within 2-3 months of sectional surgery, as in the surgical procedure rib thoracoplasty.

A Biblican based answer, and a good one, too
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Do men have fewer ribs than women?
After all, God took a rib from Adam to make Eve.

A misconception among some Christians is that men have fewer ribs than women. They wrongly believe this is what the Bible teaches.

What are the facts?

The Bible's Book of Genesis (2:21, 22) says God created the first woman this way: “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam [the first man], and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in stead thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman …”

Some people think that this passage implies that:

1. hypnosis is all right for Christians (they are right)
2. because the first man lost his rib, all men since have one fewer rib (they are wrong).

The best way to test this belief is to compare a male's skeleton with a female's. When you do this, you find that men and women have 12 pairs of ribs each.

The belief that a lost rib, or a cut-off thumb, or a chopped-off tail, could pass from parent to child was a theory, long-discredited, derived from the ideas of French biologist Lamarck.

Generations of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian males have circumcised their sons, but they never give birth to already circumcised sons.

For centuries some breeds of dogs have had their tails cropped, but they don't give birth to pups with their tails docked already.

If you have to have a finger or toe amputated, it would not mean you would produce children with a finger or toe missing. Likewise, if a human baby is born with a tail, it does not imply they evolved from monkeys.

So a rib taken from Adam does not mean that any of his sons and daughters would have a rib missing. Men and women have the same number of ribs.

Do men have one less rib than women
since God used one of Adam's rib to create Eve?
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Q. Do men have one less rib than women since God used one of Adam's rib to create Eve?

A. No. Although the Bible is not specific, either Adam lived the rest of his life with one less rib or God healed him, causing the rib to grow back. It probably did not affect his health since Adam lived to the ripe old age of 930 (Genesis 5:5).