Friday 6 September 2013

Teemo AP Build


Hello everyone!!
Teemo is a late game splitpusher with a lot of autoattack and spell damage, who is also a huge lane bully.

The first time I played Teemo I fell in love with him, and I haven't stopped playing him since.
I have discovered many different ways to play him well. The one I think is the most fun though, is AP Teemo simply because he pisses off the entire enemy team with his 600 damage shrooms, and autoattacks that do far too much damage. You can also get pretty much free kills with well placed shrooms. This guide should help you to play Teemo in the top lane and mid lane.

Note: With Riot's constant changes to items, I will attempt to keep up with the updates and make as many changes as I can to get everyone the best Teemo guide out there. I am also using this exact build a lot, and seeing how it stacks up in-game. I will be making changes based upon Teemo's strengths and weaknesses in different scenarios.

boots-of-speedhealth-potion4/dorans-ringhealth-potion/cloth-armorhealth-potion5 Obvious starting items that work on Teemo

fiendish-codex Fiendish Codex is the next item you want to buy to get some added AP and cooldown reduction ---- Build into nashors-tooth because you get AP and attack speed. Great for Teemo's Toxic Shot

rabadons-deathcap Gives lots of AP which allows you to do tons of damage with your mushrooms and autoattacks

mercurys-treads vs heavy AP team/ninja-tabi vs heavy AD team (boots-of-swiftness fun to charge with/vs heavy CC team)

rylais-crystal-scepter You will be a little too squishy up until this point. I like Rylai's simply because with it, Teemo will not be focused and bursted down in 2 seconds, wile still gaining AP

deathfire-grasp Fantastic item on Teemo because you can:
1) Do more damage with your Mushrooms, Blinding Darts, and Toxic Shots with the 100 AP and passive
2) Shroom more and get more Blinding Darts off with the cooldown reduction

guardian-angel Obvious ending item because of the fact that it gives you two lives (don't get too cocky with this you still don't have that much health)


Alternate/Situational items:

morellonomicon Added cooldown reduction, mana rege, and AP - all good on AP Teemo

lich-bane Allows you to Ult-E or Q-E, proc spellblade, and do more damage with your added AP

rylais-crystal-scepter Good for being tankier while still gaining AP

void-staff Lots of added AP (buy if enemy team is stacking magic resist)

liandrys-torment Extra AP and health

runaans-hurricane Good for splitpushing, and have more DPS. Its passive also procs your E

hextech-gunblade Good for strong AP burst

blade-of-the-ruined-king I like this item on autoattackers like Teemo, but this item gives no AP. This item is great on other Teemo builds, but it is OK at most on AP Teemo.

frozen-mallet Added AD and Tankiness (eh on AP Teemo)

By the end of this build, you will be doing tons of damage with all your abilities (except Move Quick) and be a split pushing master.
Just watch your enemies try to run away from you playing as a tiny little yordle