Monday 23 July 2012

starting the week off right!

I usually judge how my week is going to pan out by how I start my Monday mornings:
Is there coffee?
Is it instant, filter, espresso machine, or did I splurge at the coffee shop?
Are my favorite jeans clean or did I forget to wash them…..?
Did I remember to buy groceries for breakfast?
How about lunch?
What did I dream about last night?
……..and the list generally goes on like this.

There are of course exceptions to every rule. Sometimes Tuesday just sneaks up and bites you on the ass. Yea, maybe. It happens. It’s always best to try & avoid it though.

I started my week off right this time though & it all began with breakfast. You’re going to judge me before you’ve even tried it. I promise, that would be such a mistake.

I like to do something a little strange… Now I know that freshly cracked black pepper on honeydew melon is amazing, (and if you don’t already know that it is you should immediately try it), and melon & Greek yogurt are a great combo. Pepper & yogurt go, just think about all the dips made using the two. Honey & yogurt go together, and honey & yogurt go together.

You’re all still with me so far… correct?

Well, seeing as each of things pair up with everything else on the list when you take them two at a time, I figured…. why not just combine them all?!

Yea, I did that. I took out a huge bowl, filled it with plain, full fat greek yogurt. Cut up a nice ripe honeydew melon on top of that. Drizzled it with thick, local honey & then cracked some freshly ground black pepper on top of it all.

I swear, it was heaven in a bowl.

…and wouldn’t you know it, I finished my goal of making 1,000 origami paper cranes the very next day. So, I repeat. Start your Monday off right!