Sunday 1 July 2012

Are your sleeping problems caused by what you eat?

Everyone has problems and difficulties. That’s just how life is. Some of the things that cause you difficultly are caused by your environment and some are of your own doing. The things that you do to yourself to on a regular basis can cause a variety of difficulties and problems. For example, when you eat the wrong things on a regular basis it can throw your body out of balance. This unbalance can cause health problems that range from headaches to insomnia.

If you find that your body is out of balance one of the first things you need to check is what you put into it. Many people don’t even realize that they are upsetting their balance, thinking that their health problem is coming out of nowhere. Very often, the root cause comes directly from the foods you eat.

For example many people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep find the root cause to be the amount of sugar they regularly take in. Most people, at least in the industrialized world, eat far too much sugar on a regular basis. Eating too much sugar causes your body to dump a lot of different natural chemicals, called hormones, into your bloodstream to counteract this rise of sugar levels in your blood. Your pancreas immediately reacts to this rise of sugar with a flood of insulin. While some people become lethargic when this takes place, it can actually throw you out of balance to the point where you end up having difficulty sleeping.

If you really want to be able to overcome your sleeping and health problems, a priority for you has to be eating better. Take a few weeks and totally cut sugar out of your diet. You might also remove many of the other things that people consider healthy, such as soy and wheat. You might be surprised to find out that you will not only be getting a better night’s sleep on a consistent basis, your entire demeanor will be changed.

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for you to enjoy good health. If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep check what you eat. When you begin to exchange sugary foods for raw fruits and vegetables you’ll quickly begin to notice a difference in the way that you are sleeping. Watch your diet and make your sleeping problems a thing of the past. Start today!