Wednesday 26 January 2011

How To Increase Your Twitter Revenue With SponsoredTweets

Sponsored Tweets Review

The Twitter Book

Whilst I have been writing on Hubpages I have also benefited from using twitter to spread the word for my articles. Another plus side from twitter is you can also earn extra revenue from advertising. As well as RevTwt, the advertising platform SponsoredTweets allows Tweeters to earn money for spreading the word.

I myself have signed up toSponsoredTweets, and although there are not opportunities every day, I have used Sponsored Tweets with great success, and earned real money.

So what is SponsoredTweets?

SponsoredTweets Review

Social Media advertising is a new way for business to increase visibility and provide services. Among the leading sites in this new medium, Twitter, with its microblogging success is paving the way for new interactions between customers and sellers. Sponsoredtweets, in its function as a virtual marketplace, capitalizes on Twitter based sponsored posts to bridge the gap created in market conversations compared to traditional advertising.
Twitter For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
For those seeking to make money online, Sponsoredtweets is one of those simple techniques available. The only requirement is to reach a minimum of 5oo followers( the more followes the better) to earn the right to advertise and be paid for doing so. The hidden caveat, if we can call it that, is to choose carefully which posts to preserve a more important aspect of posting which will be discussed later On the more technical side, the United States remains the leading source of visitors to the Sponsored Tweets site accounting for 50.9% of the total traffic. India (13.3%), Indonesia (6.6%), and the U.K. (6.3%) are also ardent sponsored twitterers according to data. reserved 7337th place for among millions of ranked sites because of its almost fifteen thousand (149925) daily page visits. Dynamism will eventually give the site an even higher ranking. The rising popularity of this kind of online remuneration scheme found in Sponsoredtweets emphasizes the real currency for any site owner or blogger - the little idea called credibility. True enough, it is becoming easier to create attractive sites with all the trappings of image wizardry but discerning users will know if the links point to useful or relevant content. If most of the links a site connects to are at least informative, chances are this will result to more subscribers, or in Twitter speak, followers. Content generation is after all about useful information and not just images.

Tweet to make money?

SponsoredTweets retains its place in a short but growing list of sites that have a potential for larger expansion. The focus it places on accounts with more followers simply shows the importance of having a considerable fan base, an asset for any SponsoredTweets member. Sites can attract thousands of visitors and this will only make sense if the content leads to a productive course of action, better mindset or educational, not just entertaining. At the minimum, a site should contain or at least link to original content; this creates credibility and reveals the gray matter behind the virtual page. This newfound effectiveness of small bulk advertising efforts will further drive microblogging to greater heights. As the revenue schemes improve, more users will be gain the opportunity to monetize online activities; add quality to generated content. Sponsoredtweets promises to be one of the emerging brands in this lasting trend. The hope is that this will become standard practice among responsible sites, advertisers, and Twitter members.
Sign Up for Sponsered Tweets

To sign up for SponseredTweets is really quite simple.When you sign up as a tweeter with, you provide a profile, your required payment per tweet, and your Twitter information, along with related statistics about your followers. You are then added to the tweeter database. Where advertisers posts a tweeting opportunity suitable for you!