Wednesday 26 January 2011

Getting More Twitter Followers

Getting More Twitter Followers

Do you need more Twitter followers? Fast? Well you are at the right place to increase and get targeted followers. I used to always think that it was hard to get Twitter followers and I would always find myself searching and searching for ways to get more Twitter followers. I wanted more followers to gain more exposure for affiliate sales and referral signups. I only had about 50-100 Twitter followers at first. Well I came across a site and it tripled by followers in less than a month to 1,000!!

Here is how I did it: The name of the site is Tweeters Online and at first I was skeptical because I was thinking that it was one of those sites that promises you something and it doesn't turn out to be what you want. Well, I gave it a try just to see where it would take I was surprised of when I signed up I had already gained over 50 followers and each day after that my followers kept growing. The reason why is because you are automatically set to retrieve the Twitter followers once you sign up for the system.

Get Followers Now

There are over 5,000 followers signed up to it. So, that means everyday you will gain at least 50-100 follower just by logging in and retrieving your followers. Now, if you are picky on who is following you on Twitter, there is a search box that narrows your search down to who you want to follow you. You can search out someone that is into sports, business, gardening, music and so forth. I feel this was a great idea to the site because if you are putting links or information onto to Twitter and you want a specific audience to retrieve it, you would want the right kind of audience, right? Right.

Tweeters Online also has a way to get your Twitter username featured on the site for that day. The site uses tokens to give to other people and for the other people to give to you. Once you signup the owner of the site provides you with enough tokens to give other tweeters when they follow you and then they if you follow them they give you tokens as well. The more tokens you have, the more popular you are for more people to follow you on Twitter. It also provides you with a tool to automatically tweet out your info to other tweeters.

Tweeters Online

There is also a tool to provide you with banners and ads to refer other people. Oh yes you will also be rewarded for referring other tweeters to the site and it pays $20 per person if they upgrade to the special which is $37.

Now wait until you hear this, the special includes:

A special tool that sends out your tweets to over 35 websites that will include other members, customers, and thousands of other members.

An additional 50000 tokens per month.

125,000 bluebird tokens plus a bonus 25,000 which gives you more exposure for more Twitter followers.

$37 is the only fee you pay which is a lifetime upgrade.

Contact your referrals through their e-mail address every 6 days.

Free Twitter e-books to make more money from.

Auto save 10 tweet messages that are sent automatically everyday instead of 2 being a free member.

List 100 words for your Twitter page, so that your page can be searchable to thousands of people across the web.

Always shown as a Featured Member on the site.

That is a lot of bonuses for a flat rate fee. My review of the site is that it is a very good site with a lot of potential to grow and it does exactly what it says when you sign up. It provides you with a way to gain more followers on Twitter. If you sign up, let me know how it turns out and good luck with it.

Twitter Follower Resources
How to Get Targeted Twitter Followers Fast
Looking to get relevant Twitter followers? Here are some ways to gain targeted Twitter followers fast
How to Get More Twitter Followers: Some Methods That Work
How do you really get more Twitter followers? What steps should you take to get people to follow you on Twitter? Here are some tips & tactics that will work.

Other Great Ways To Get More Twitter Followers
Join a Twitter advertising site: If you are tweeting about making money(which most people search for) you would gain followers that way as well.
Submit your Twitter profile to search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, and others popular search engines.
Get exposure by submitting good tweets on what people would want to look up in Google or other searches.
Use your profile link in e-mails, forums, and other social media sites.
Follow people and they follow you(Most common way to get followers)
Top 3 Directories That Will Send You Twitter Followers

Tweet Top- A site about popular Twitter topics from different categories. Search top tweets of all time.

Tweet Find- A Twitter directory, place to find new followers, and submit your Twitter profile to directories.

Twellow- list yourself to get followers and find followers to follow.

Using Twitter For Business
Submit your business Twitter profile to other sites like Yahoo or Google. Follow a few people and if they like what you tweet, they will follow you.
Put out a few tweets about making money on Twitter and about your methods and how your business works.
Submit questions to and about your business and explain your business in detail. The more detail, the more convinced they will come to follow you.
Join a Twitter advertising site and post a few links about it and your business. Twitter will send traffic to your site with Twitter advertising. So that is a win win situation, because you will get people to your site and people to follow you.

Using Twitter For Popularity

Submit your profile to social media sites
If you have a blog post your link on there and search out cool Twitter icons to make people want to follow you.
On your blog post your recent tweets so people can be interested and follow you
Get your friends and family to follow you on Twitter
On Twitter, go to the Find People tab and follow the recommended people on there
Join Tweeters Online for free

I hope you find the best ways to get more Twitter followers free and fast. If you don't choose the method, I recommended then browse some more ways to increase your Twitter followers. Good luck and come back to this hub to let me know how everything with Twitter..